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SangeTThe Maiden by the Sea
The Last Words Sang The Maidens Sorrow
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The Maiden by the Sea

Tekst/melodi: Doris Donnell 2018

The Maiden by the Sea

By the stormblown coasts lived a maiden fair
She wore yellow flowers in her hair
By the roaring sea she would stand and stare
As the tide comes rolling

A knight so bold called upon the maid
She wore yellow flowers in her hair
"Fairest maiden I would thee wed"
As the tide comes rolling

"Knight so bold I will not have thee"
She wore...
"For my heart belongs only to the sea"
As the tide...

The knight so bold took then to his sword
She wore...
"You will die or make me your Lord!"
As the tide...

He took the maiden to his halls
She wore...
The young bride cries as the ocean calls
As the tide...

The maiden wept at her wedding night
She wore...
From her tower she then took flight
As the tide...

The knight there found her by suns first light
She wore...
She had slipped from his grip so tight
As the tide...

She was carried to the rising tide
She wore...
Kissed by waves she became sea's bride
As the tide...

By the stormblown coasts lived a maiden fair
She wore yellow flowers in her hair
On moonlit nights you will find her there
As the tide comes rolling...

Doris Donnell


Vis TekstNy SangNy Kommentar Ny Fil
SangeTThe Maiden by the Sea
The Last Words Sang The Maidens Sorrow
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